We have a long, large-scale development programme with 320 homes built so far in the 2016/21 Shared Ownership Affordable Homes Programme that sees us investing £44.8 million with a grant contribution of over £12 million from Homes England.
In the latest 2021/26 programme, we have a planned pipeline to build 1,450 properties over the next five years with 718 committed to date.
Plus Dane Housing Development Director, Chris McAllister, said: “We are continuing to focus on key areas for delivery in Merseyside and Cheshire with a balance of developments on greenfield and brownfield sites, on both our own sites and those of partner housebuilders through s106 and direct purchase.

“Key to our developments is creating opportunities within the communities we work, through our social value framework. We work with partners to create learning and work opportunities for the local community.
“A number of our current schemes have kickstarted our journey to carbon reduction and MMC through using lightweight steel gauge construction methods, high levels of insulation and air source heat pumps.
“Our specific challenges in securing a healthy pipeline for new developments include balancing the availability of suitable and affordable land and build costs against ensuring that our properties are truly affordable for customers.”