JV North is supporting a housing coalition’s campaign urging government to provide a once-in-a-generation investment in social housing.
Homes at the Heart showcases the importance of housing and why it should be central to the recovery post-Covid-19.
The campaign has been created by the National Housing Federation (NHF), the Chartered Institute of Housing, Crisis, the Association of Retained Council Housing and the National Federation of ALMOs.
The organisations have written to the Chancellor Rishi Sunak explaining that investment in social housing can create jobs, increase growth and bolster the economy.
Six weeks of action are being held in the run up to this autumn’s Comprehensive Spending Review.
The theme for this week is titled ‘Making Ends Meet’ which focuses on housing affordability and supply – two elements that are central to JV North’s work.
JV North Chairman, Wayne Gales, who is also Chief Executive of Weaver Vale Housing Trust, said:
“Our members have long understood the importance of building high quality homes and the immediate and wider benefits of social and affordable housing to people and the economy.
“It is widely accepted that the UK has a housing crisis that’s been magnified by Covid-19 and we are now at a pivotal moment.
“The pandemic sees government re-evaluating its priorities and the argument for more investment in housing is overwhelming.
“Good quality homes have a range of benefits. It improves people’s lives and wellbeing, reduces the strain on other key public services such as healthcare, boosts local, regional and national economies, creates jobs, develops skills and bolsters supply chains.
“The economy is now officially in recession and large scale job losses are being made nationally – things are very challenging.
“So it’s vital we look at how we can support our communities best and first and foremost it should be providing them with a place people can call home.”